Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

This afternoon, I came across a piece from the British press that discusses a growing sense of confusion among people who simply see too many options in their everyday life:

The growing ranks of "indeciders" are defined as "a group of individuals suffering high levels of confusion while displaying an inability to be decisive, leading in some cases to depression."

The term was coined by Professor Harriet Bradley from the University of Bristol. She said: "With a constant stream of new media, daily technological advancements and aggressive multimedia advertising, it's no wonder over half of Britain thinks life is more confusing for them than for their parents."

According to the survey, 42 per cent lie awake at night trying to make choices, and almost half admit that "even little decisions can be hard to make."

While I've only ever lived on the American side of the pond, I can certainly relate to these findings, and I'm sure many of you can, too. With the industrialized world becoming ever more tightly knit, and yet increasingly complex and nuanced, navigating the global marketplace in search of the best solution for one's desires and needs becomes a daunting task indeed. You've experienced a sensory overload, and when you finally do make that choice, how do you know if it was the right thing to do?

The same can be said of business technology solutions. You're trying to run a tight ship and maintain a solid bottom line for your clients, and the economic currents are rough indeed. With so many applications out there, each of them promising to make your operation the best it can possibly be, how do you know which of them offers a sound return on investment and a meaningful benefit to your business needs?

In the case of automating your paper-based processes with a solution like Brainware Distiller, there's no risk of tossing and turning at night over that decision because no other solution is like Distiller. No other data capture solution offers the processing of semi- and unstructured documents without elaborate preparations on the part of the client. No other solution offers well over 80% extraction of vital information on a consistent basis. No other solution offers the same ability to validate data across all available platforms, providing superior touchless pass-through, speeding the process and minimizing cycle times, providing quick operational benefits both monetary and otherwise.

Observe our clients, many of whom are among the world leaders in their respective industries. Continental Airlines. Shell Oil. Sun Chemical. These companies have millions of concerns, investors to satisfy, far-flung points of distribution/service and some very, very large names to protect...and they chose Brainware Distiller for the world-class performance it offered.

Sometimes, the decision is simple.

Now...what to have for dinner...

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